
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Crochet Projects: Angora Cowl

Hello again!  Sorry I dropped the ball on regular posts - we've been busy having visitors, traveling, and trying to fit in as much as we can now that we're getting toward the end of our time in France.

Spring has finally come to stay, with sunny days in the mid-60s, so I've already put this new accessory away for the season.  It's an infinity scarf made of an angora-blend yarn.  I came across the yarn at the junk market around Christmas time.  It's an old yarn from the French brand Le Bouton d'Or.  The angora gives it a bit of a halo, and in case the photos didn't come out so well, it's a rusty red-orange color.

I had just under 3 skeins, and I found the pattern here.  I did 5 repeats of the pattern.  Enjoy the photos below, and let me know if you have any questions!